Protecting Your Smart Contracts in Web3: Insights, Strategies, and Best Practices from Olympix's Security Experts.
Discover how a critical flaw in Li.Fi's smart contract led to an $11.6M exploit—and how Olympix' static analyzer could have prevented it with early vulnerability identification.
How Lendvest leverages Olympix' proactive security tools to ensure continuous security throughout the development process, rather than relying solely on external auditors, allowing them to save on security costs as we scale without compromising on security itself.
Remitano suffered a $2.7M loss due to a private key compromise.
Explore the essentials of Web3 cybersecurity, from understanding smart contract vulnerabilities to proactive security measures that protect your assets in the decentralized world—unlock the future of secure Web3 today!
Stake suffered a $41M loss due to a private key compromise.
JPEG’d lost $11.4M due to reentrancy vulnerability.
BNO suffered a $500K loss due to a faulty reward mechanism.
Palmswap lost $900K due to price manipulation.
Themis Protocol lost $370K due to price oracle manipulation
Midas Capital got exploited due to a rounding issue.
Sturdy Finance lost $770K due to read-only reentrancy vulnerability.
El Dorado Exchange’s Oracle contract got exploited.
Smart contract security audits are manual reviews of code conducted by security professionals that highlight vulnerabilities in a project’s code base. Auditors use both manual review techniques and automated tools to...
Put security in the hands of the developer by proactively securing code from day one.